Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Connor 11 Months

Sorry for all the pictures, I couldn't decide on one for his 11 month picture. Connor is up to no good as usual. New things he is doing this month include:
-Is really improving at walking holding only one of my hands
-Walks with his CAT truck or push cart. He's getting good at turning around so we don't have to start him over each time he gets to a wall.
-Shows me where the light and Collin is (the boy I watch)
-Is improving at reading with us. He usually just closes the book and tries to chew on it, now he lets us read it to him. Super cute!!
-Gets mad when he doesn't get his way and hits me. Super fun...
-Likes to take things off the shelf (books, movies, etc) and throw them on the floor. He used to hand them to us, now he THROWS them.
-Tries to take the duct tape off things he is not suppose to get into, sometimes he is successful.
-Walks along everything.
-Loves the mirror
-Likes to watch cars go by
-His newest word is "oh" it is pretty adorable. There is a picture of him doing it below.


Raime said...
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Raime said...

He seems like a smiley kid!! Getting very big, but still so cute!

Raime said...

PS I keep trying to post but apparently I can't read the words it wants me to type to make sure I'm a real human.